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FIU Taekwondo

Belt Promotions

Competition Experience
As FIU Taekwondo Club members, all our members are entitled to special club benefits. These benefits include competing at local, national, and international competitions. In addition, members can test and be promoted to the next belt if they are continually practicing.
Club Benefits
As part of FIU Taekwondo, all our members are eligible to compete at the National Collegiate Taekwondo Championships every year. Those who win 1st place in their division represent the USA at the World University Games.

In addition, all members can compete with the team at any local, national, or international competition.
For those members of the club which are new to Taekwondo, or are not yet at the rank of black belt, we offer testing to all our members. All of our members are eligible for testing once a semester (Twice if they are attending the maximum amount of practices and progressing).

Information regarding testing requirements will be posted soon.

All FIU Taekwondo Club members are allowed to attend special seminars with renowned Taekwondo masters and athletes. Also, our members can attend special club practices with other universities and taekwondo schools.
FIU Taekwondo Club Members can also schedule free private lessons with Club instructors so that they can receive extra training for fitness, competitions, or belt promotion purposes.

Seminars and Special Practices

Private Lessons